Buyer’s Title, Inc. is compliant with The American Land Title Association’s (ALTA’s) Title Insurance and Settlement Company Best Practices Act. This is a demonstration of our commitment to our clients and our goal of striving to always improve upon our service, and to earn and keep the respect of our clients.

1- Licensing

Established and maintain current license(s) as required to conduct the business of title insurance and settlement services.

2- Escrow & Trust Accounts

Adopted and maintain appropriate written procedures and controls for Escrow/Trust Accounts.

3- Privacy & Information Security –

Adopted and maintain a written privacy and information security program to protect Non-public Personal Information as required by local, state and federal law.

4- Recording & Pricing Procedures –

Adopted standard real estate settlement procedures and policies that helps ensure compliance wit Federal and State Consumer Financial Laws as appliance with Federal and State Consumer Financial Laws as applicable to the Settlement Process.

5- Title Policy Procedures –

Adopted and maintain written procedures related to title policy production, delivery, reporting and premium remittance.

6- Professional Liability Insurance

Maintain appropriate professional liability insurance and fidelity coverage.

7- Resolving Consumer Complaints

Adopted and maintain procedures for resolving consumer complaints.